England has experienced the wettest 18 months since records began in 1836.
The wet conditions have presented an issue for burial grounds across the country with many of them underwater in places. We are fortunate that we have a gently sloping and well drained site here at Forget Me Not Fields so conditions here have been manageable.
The wet conditions have meant it's been difficult to get on site to cut the grass paths and some of the plots and paths have been very soft underfoot. There have been no significant muddy areas so we should be able to roll and reinstate boggy bits once the ground dries out soon.

We've been doing some work in the FMNF car park area In February too with brand new fencing from the car park down to the burial ground itself. This new fence replaces an old post and rail fence and has really improved the appearance of this lower path.

The path now ends with the brand new gate matching the one on the burial ground itself. Thanks again to George Fewtrell for creating these beautiful gates for us.

So that's January and February done, we hope the weather improves soon. We hope you'll notice the improvements to the gates and fencing on your next visit.